Retrovirus Infections, You AND Your Pets

It’s time to start thinking of health in broader terms than has traditionally been done.  The simple truth is that diseases can be and ARE transmitted from animals to humans AND from humans to animals.  When a disease is not easily and quickly transmitted like a flu bug, it may be difficult to hunt it down.  The medical professionals and scientists have been working from wrong assumptions that have prevented them from even investigating these issues for centuries, literally centuries, and this is not unusual in science generally.  Until Ballard and his associates found LIFE, “an abundance of plant and animal life in the deep-sea”, 8,000 feet down in the ocean, it was simply considered IMPOSSIBLE for life to exist there.  Sadly, there will continue to be erroneous scientific “facts” like that presumed impossibility for a long time to come.

Tomorrow on Dr. Oz, there will be a segment on retroviruses which may infect some 10 million+ of us.   I’m expecting they will be talking about XMRV and perhaps others.   I also believe that 10 million estimate is MUCH too low.  

Dr. Teitelbaum on Dr. Oz’s website:  “I came down with what I call the "Drop Dead Flu" in 1975 while in medical school, which triggered my CFS/FMS. As I was working to pay my own way through school, the illness left me homeless and sleeping in parks in Oklahoma. It is exciting, though, to see how life magically brings us what we need. I met many natural health practitioners while homeless, each of whom taught me bits and pieces of what I needed to learn to get well.”  “A study I worked on titled 'Effective Treatment of CFS and Fibromyalgia' (published in Journal of CFS) showed that 91% of patients improved with treatment, with an average improvement in quality of life of 90%.”  Id.

The problem is that probably 95% of people suffering from these problems will be dismissed by their doctors rather than directed to appropriate treatment.  Patients tend to go through a dozen or more doctors IF they have the resources and energy to do so before finding one that listens even a little.  In addition to that, the treatment will probably not be covered by any insurance one has and, of course, by the time one is in really bad condition, lost their job from these health problems, etc., etc., it is unlikely they have any insurance at all.  They certainly won’t have the means to obtain this treatment out of pocket.

The SHINE Protocol is not easy and certainly not inexpensive.  And it is not the “cure all” that so many have touted it to be.  In fact, there’s a serious bias against those for whom it does not work with too many blaming the patient.  It seems all too often that medical professionals blame the patient or blithely send them off to the psychiatrist rather than admit they don’t know what to do next.  I’m happy to see this: “XMRV simply being one of many infections and problems…” from Dr. Teitelbaum.   He’s talking about CFS but that statement probably applies to many illnesses.

If you are ill, you may well come head on against these false “facts” and erroneous assumptions.  The best you can do is try to help yourself and, honestly, don’t expect the professionals, like doctors, to listen to you no matter how good the research you do, no matter the quality of the sources you present.  These are the arrogant of the arrogant AND so insecure they simply cannot hear you.  Be an honest person.  Be honest with yourself and others and surround yourself with those who believe you without question.  Cut those who are dismissive of your health problems out of your life.

Remind yourself that many diseases have existed for centuries but only recently have been explained.  Here’s a couple:

“Prions cannot be transmitted through the air or through touching or most other forms of casual contact.”  Id.  So often this type of “don’t be afraid” statement is made early on, just after discovery of some infectious agent.  It is a poorly founded assumption that will likely morph into an unfounded scientific fact, difficult to overcome by the scientist who disproves it and the scientist will likely be shunned for having done so which means few will even make the attempt even if the evidence is right before them.  Critical thinking in the sciences simply must be improved. Those who knee jerk dismiss and shun others should be the ones shunned.

After many years of chronic illness, I cannot help but see that some of my pets tend to become ill after a number of years living with me.  They show a variety of symptoms and I can’t but suspect I may have transmitted some slow developing illness to them.  That is the kind of “anecdote” that scientists will reject out of hand.  Too bad since they may well be contributing to disease spread with their dismissiveness.

If you suspect that you and your pets are sharing illness, know you are not alone.

First do no harm means critical thinking and that means objectivity and flexibility in thought; not "I learned it from some old fart in school and refuse to change my mind or even consider doing so".

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