Carnivores Live Longer

I said a while back that I believe we humans are carnivores rather than wanna be vegetarians.  Science is at least beginning to theorize that we may indeed live longer for having been big old red meat eaters.

"Over time, eating red meat, particularly raw flesh infected with parasites in the era before cooking, stimulates chronic inflammation, Finch explained. In response, humans apparently evolved unique variants in a cholesterol-transporting gene, apolipoprotein E, which regulates chronic inflammation as well as many aspects of aging in the brain and arteries."

"ApoE3 lowers the risk of most aging diseases, specifically heart disease and Alzheimer's, and is linked with an increased lifespan."

"I suggest that it arose to lower the risk of degenerative disease from the high-fat meat diet they consumed," Finch told LiveScience. "Another benefit is that it promoted brain development."

I see an update coming for Wikipedia: "E3 is found in approximately 64 percent of the population. It is considered the "neutral" Apo E genotype."

Despite the fact my child bearing is OVER, I think I'll continue to indulge in my high protein diet that includes red meat.  I THEORIZE they will eventually find the effects of eating red meat are far more extensive and immediate for some.  I've long know my brain "fires" better and I feel better and have more energy on a high protein, red meat including, diet.

Now, the ultra cynical part of my brain thinks maybe the ultra vegans, save the planet group know that being vegan will change our DNA back and, since we didn't hit Zero Population Growth Goals in the 1970s, they're hoping to force us all into having descendants who live half as long.  Or maybe the vegans just don't have as advanced brain development or ability to use as a direct result of their vegan diets :)

Pass the Sloth, Wallaby and Hedgehog please!

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