The Maldives on Global Warming

I have mixed feelings about the whole issue of global warming.  I have do doubt the global climate is changing, that we selfish, careless humans are negatively impacting.  I'm not sure how much we can really do to change that without forcing everyone into caves and taking away all the conveniences of modern life; going back to being hunter gatherers.  I am sure the majority of us aren't being given the straight skinny and THAT annoys me.  Words have definitions and I tend to get annoyed with the inappropriate use of language which has become so widespread.

For example, the word "massacre".  The American Heritage (AH) dictionary gives three definitions: 

  1. The act or an instance of killing a large number of humans indiscriminately and cruelly.
  2. The slaughter of a large number of animals.
  3. Informal A severe defeat, as in a sports event.

First, I'll admit to a bit of bias in favor the this particular dictionary :)  Second, I detest that last definition.  It's that informal use of language which erodes the definitions and connotations, what a word should evoke one to feel.  The first 2 definitions DEPEND on there being a large number of humans or animals killed.  Now, I'm not exactly sure what a "large number" is but

I can easily accept that those qualify as "large numbers"

I remember the Kent State Shootings.  There's plenty there to horrify without calling it a massacre.  Massacre should evoke a special, heightened level of horror and I can't consider any of these to be massacres yet you can see from the list I've linked to how much more common use of that term has become.

I logged onto PBS tonight to watch the most recent episode, Climate Crisis, of NOW and less than 2 minutes into the program, Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed declares "we are talking about genocide".  WHAT?

Genocide is a relatively new term; coined in 1944.  It means: "The deliberate destruction of an entire race or nation." (AH)  Genocide is spewed so frequently now it nearly lost it's connotation already.  Mr. Nasheed appears to be saying that, if something isn't done to save the Maldives, the rest of the world is committing genocide on the peoples of the Maldives.  I don't think so!  The Maldives may well end up one of the tragedies of climate change but that's been progressing for a very long time, the majority of which even the scientists couldn't reach a consensus that it was humans doing the damage so I fail to see where we have had the "deliberate destruction" intent.  I think the use of "genocide" in this manner demeans the term; just as inappropriate use of "massacre" demeans the deaths and true atrocity of real massacres.  The use of genocide in this fashion... Well, them's fightin' words.

Mr. Nasheed goes on to say "we didn't do this" and the Maldives plans to be carbon neutral by 2020.  Hm, inherent in that latter part is that the Maldives is not and has not been carbon neutral so far so, yep, y'all helped "do this".  In fact, the Maldives doesn't appear to take responsibility for much of the carbon footprint that, to my mind, belongs to them.  The number one economic industry in the Maldives is, of course, TOURISM.  The Maldives is an island nation located 435 miles from Sri Lanka.  Just how do the tourists get there?  Now there's a HUGE carbon footprint and I think the Maldives needs to take responsibility for it, it's the price of the benefits of tourism and the two go hand in hand.  Let's see you get to carbon neutral if you have to account for ALL of your carbon footprint!  (Welcome to the rest of the world :)

Mr. Nasheed also comments that the former administration of the Maldives (he was very recently elected) "wasted $200 Million dollars".  Yeah?  I can certainly empathize with that!  Sorry, suck it up just like the rest of us have to do.  Your country's failure to tend it's own business doesn't automatically entitle you to a bail out from the rest of the world.  I get your concerns, I understand your needs.  Ask for help but don't ignore your own country's failings, shift blame to others, and demand assistance.  I'm far more likely to help out those who take responsibility and corrective action of their own first and who ask nicely for help!

I do agree with one of Mr. Nasheed's points; that we Americans aren't doing our part.  We're childish and selfish and want, want, want.  We've taken and taken from the planet and we need to get a grip and STOP IT.  Each and every one of us needs to seriously reduce our "carbon footprint".

Oh, yeah, our former administrations (and probably our current one) wasted HUGE amounts of resources and thievery has become widespread.  However, much of that is OUR responsibility.  We're doing what Mr. Nasheed is doing: blinders on to our own bad behavior, shifting blame to others when at least part (often a large part) of it falls to us, and then wanting bail outs - all without taking care of our own errors and omissions, just wanting to be able to go right on committing them.  We are biologically adults but socially haven't even become adolescents.  We are socially children with gimme, gimme, gimme like the most spoiled of the spoiled.

We need to put our own homes and lives in order.  We don't NEED all that stuff most are headed out to buy in the upcoming weeks so DON'T buy it.  Reduce your usage, don't give your money to investors who can't be trusted; better to stuff the mattress and sustain the inherent loss from inflation than to lose it all when the market tanks next.  (Mark my words, that one is coming because absolutely nothing has been done to prevent it and the market skyrocketing on delusions is NOT a good sign.)  Hunker down and prepare as best you can because Main Street must heal itself and it's going to take a year before most figure that out so probably 2 years before we see any real improvement but there is much you can do to improve your own life.  Start by re-learning to enjoy the freebies in life: company of friends, family, and pets; tending your garden; taking a walk...  Breaking the use of buying (and buying and buying) and eating as comfort and a high is tough but it can be done!

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