Where do I file my Cruelty Complaint?

I saw a poor little white mouse in a cage, suspended inside a trap, being used as bait for a big snake.  If the snake shows up, the poor little mouse is going to be trapped in there while the snake strikes at him repeatedly for goodness only knows how long (hours, days?) before someone comes to get the snake and, even then, they’ll probably leave the poor thing there as bait for the next snake.  I didn’t even see any food or water in there for the poor little thing although the guy said something about the “moisture” being “OK”.  WTF?

If you ask me, that constitutes unreasonable deprivation of necessary food, care, or shelter; seriously (24/7) overworked; VERY cruelly confined; and outright torture of that poor little white mouse and I have no doubt that poor critter FEELS unreasonably abandoned!  It also seems they are causing that mouse to fight with another animal even if the cage in the trap limits the damage done in the fight.  At the very least, the poor little guy/gal is likely to get hurt flinging himself/herself around the cage trying to survive and in utter fear.  The local authorities really NEED to go after the people doing this!

The same people are keeping HUNDREDS of snakes in drawers like a dresser with larger ones in cages at the bottom but most of them have to be coiled and even stack coiled to even fit in their tiny houses and they are never allowed to go out and slither, to stretch their full length and get exercise as is their wont.  It’s just TERRIBLE.

There’s a whole team of people hunting these poor snakes in Florida and, after capturing them, they transport them in bags which I’m sure terrifies them only to later gut them all to see what they’ve been eating.  And the South Florida Water Management District even employs people just to hunt and kill snakes and they have been killing, hundreds, maybe thousands of snakes.

I also saw a poor little coy carp get gobbled up by a carnivorous Nile Monitor and they videotaped it but no one even tried to save the coy carp!  Shame, shame!

I thought Florida was such a haven for the animals with great protection for them.  But here’s a whole hour on Nature on PBS where they justify the above behavior.  Somebody should stop them down there in Florida.  That behavior is just totally unacceptable.  Those animals are in the wild now, leave them be.  It’s just too bad what will happen to your expensive coy carp since you shouldn’t have them to start with and all those native critters?  Well, they’re just monitor and snake snacks now, get used to it.  It just isn’t acceptable for you people to go around cruelly treating some animals to save others and that’s all there is too it!

Florida now has Exotic Pet Amnesty Days where exotics can be turned in.  I had to wonder who much they charge for turning them in and how much they charge those buying, er “adopting”, them; wonder how many times they can turn over a single animal…  Are they at least inspecting the facility that cares for the animals in the interim between surrender and sale?  Surely, at least they have to maintain the same standards as individual owners to at least set a good example and comply with the law.  Well, at least they have plenty of fertilizer from all the released and now breeding green iguanas who “poop prodigiously” but I’m thinking Florida was already knee deep in the crap spewed from the environmentalists justifying their cruelty to animals.

Ya gotta love seeing PBS Nature’s Invasion of the Giant Pythons turned into a promo for eradicating entire species in Florida while ending the show with a tourist promo!  I’m impressed.  Also impressed that the governments who commit these tortures and abuses can turn around and have the audacity to tell ANY owner what they can or can’t do with animals they actually own while simultaneously justifying the torture and abuse of wild animals!

Well, if you’re going to tell us we couldn’t do such a thing to animals, then turn about is fair play because the laws apply to you too.  Where do I file my animal neglect/abuse/cruelty complaint against this multitude of Floridians?  I demand an investigation!

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