What We're Up Against

I've been in a blue funk for days now and this one exemplifies why.  This poor man lost 200+ animals in a seizure.  The stories are so full of obvious lies that I won't even attempt to address them but I can't pass up this one single "photo lie".  Pictures don't lie but activist newspapers DO.

Check out the picture here: http://www.gastongazette.com/sections/article/gallery/?pic=10&id=45679&db=gaston

Do you see the 2 eggs on the top of those chips?  In a bowl in a hog pen?  I'm here to tell you those pigs are NOT hungry if there are eggs just sitting in their bowl!!!

BUT, check out the disappearing act.  Just look at how STAGED this photo is so that the eggs are removed from sight: http://www.wcnc.com/video/featured-videos/250-animals-seized-from-Lincoln-County-farm-90000607.html?gallery=y&c=y&img=4

Look at the pictures and videos of the animals and then read the stories.  Those of us who know about animals know those animals were NOT fed just chips and bread.  The media should be beyond ashamed for this type of propaganda!

Well, if you're in Lincoln County, NC, and feed something other than Purina (even to your pigs); watch out!  The rest of us probably should too.  And when will they declare that Purina isn't "good enough"?  Next week?

Jack Kerley, You're an ASS!

To Charlie Skipper in NC: I'm SO sorry!

Addenda: from Humane Watch, see Cameras Don't Lie, but Some Activist Videos Do.

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