Obama: STOP Spending Our Money ABROAD

I'm not unsympathetic to disasters but, hang it, we've got our own to fix and it's expensive.  First we rushed in to "help" Haiti which is inevitably going to piss on us for the efforts.  Now, "The U.S. "will be there" if Chile asks for rescue and recovery help after a powerful earthquake struck the South American nation, President Barack Obama said Saturday."

Come On!  At least stop writing blank checks of "we'll be there" with nothing expected in return!

Well, at least the videos and pictures I've seen show people trying to take care of themselves and each other in Chili and a functional government.  That's a serious step up from the Haiti's mulling around, building into whining demanding mobs and their corrupt government demanding bribes just so "help" can be provided.

Geez, Louise, could SE Texas at least get a shipment of new blue tarps for the still unrepaired roofs left after Hurricane Ike before we fully rebuild all of Haiti AND Chili?  How about just a wee bit of media and pressure on the insurance companies that are still dragging their feet over Ike claims or outright denying them?  Hey, Habitat for Humanity, we got plenty that needs done RIGHT HERE in the good old US of A!

Does HSUS have it's plea for donations for Chili up yet?

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