"A Fannett Township man recently was found with about 80 of the world's rarest wild dog breed" Prior to this, 150 of this breed were known to exist worldwide in captivity and and they are suspected extinct in the wild and this guy has 80 more tucked away and has obviously been successful at breeding them!
"He's been awesome," Wendt said of Hammond's cooperation with the rescue, a combined effort between the two groups, as well as local authorities. Grateful conservationists/activists? Nope, seized, charges including one for cruelty for "sanitation" issues.
"On Monday, [State Dog Warden Georgia] Martin filed three citations against Hammond with Magisterial District Judge David Plum. The charges allege that he kept more than 25 dogs without the required kennel license, failed to obtain dog licenses for 2010 and did not vaccinate 67 of the dogs against rabies." No matter those are all technical violations, meaning nothing... Just HAD to file them though.
"Dennis Bumbaugh, Humane Society Police Officer with Better Days Animal League, filed one citation alleging that Hammond was guilty of animal cruelty due to unsanitary conditions." Well, of course this raving ARF had to file that one. This is what happens when humaniacs are granted police powers. No matter that this guy has apparently done as much if not more to preserve this breed than everyone else put together and they are all ALIVE; gotta torture him for his efforts.
He'll be allowed to keep 10 IF they are S/N. That's
INSANE. He's the one person on the planet who seems to have been
breeding them successfully in captivity!
"Early next week, a mobile vet clinic donated by the Adams County SPCA will set up on the property, and veterinarians will set about de-sexing all the adult dogs..." OMG, WTF? Are these dogs of NO use to diversify the genetic pool or preserve it? Can that even be decided in the few hours between the seizure and the decision to snatch out their reproductive organs?
New Guinea Singing Dog
International and New Guinea Singing Dog Conservation Society have apparently been contacted and are involved. Approved of blanket sterilization? Seriously? What the hell kind of conservationists are you people? Why aren't you offering to work with this man and then take the dogs when he's no longer able? Why are you working to keep the breed so rare? What the hell kind of conservation is that?
"They're going to really help me out," Hammond said. "I'm 58 years old. It's about time to really downsize." Well, OK, yeah, I can understand that but, but, but... What about the future of this breed????
"There are also a number of rusting old vehicles, most of them Pontiacs, scattered around the home where he has lived since 1980. 'You can tell he likes to collect things and not let go of them,' [Tom Wendt of New Guinea Singing Dog International] Wendt said." Really? You can tell he doesn't like to let stuff go from his inordinate cooperation in turning these dogs over to you freaks? Now, I have no doubt at all that he's partially so cooperative because you and your cohorts threatened to seize the dogs and make his life even more miserable but still... Just couldn't resist tossing in a hoarding reference, could you? You bunch of raving, lunatic ARFs masquerading as "conservationists"!
And so the F*** what if he DOES like to collect cars and dogs (and any damn thing else) and KEEP them? When did owning things or SAVING stuff or OWNING property/DOGS become inherently evil, let alone evolve into a crime. You freaking ARFS need to get your own lives and stuff instead of criticizing others while stealing from them for your own "hoarding" collections!
Rescue? What freaking rescue? They certainly aren't trying to rescue the breed! This is just plain coerced thievery and I don't give a rat's ass if the victim of the thieves is grateful because it's still thievery. As far as I'm concerned, SAVING is still a virtue and isn't anyone else's damn business. If the US hadn't been sucked into living on credit, maxing out credit, a damn site fewer people would be homeless right now after foreclosures of homes they couldn't afford. We need some of those old virtues like SAVING and MINDING ONE'S OWN BUSINESS to come back into fashion IMMEDIATELY.