Smokers Were Right! And BP is DEAD Wrong!

Air Pollution Tied to Breathing Problems in Sleep”  “A new study has found a link between air pollution and breathing-related disruptions during sleep…  The study authors pored over data from the Sleep Heart Health Study, which examined the heart health and sleep patterns of more than 6,000 people between 1995 and 1998.”

What annoys the CRAP out of me on this one is that they’ve waited over a decade to realize what we smokers were saying back then.  Air pollution is a MUCH bigger damned problem than second hand smoke.  Or did they just SIT on this knowledge so they could essentially outlaw smoking first?

It’s so much easier to get the sheeple to cave and do as they are told than to deal with the real problems usually caused by BIG BUSINESS that they consistently go after restricting the sheeple and the results are next to no impact on whatever it is they are trying to fix but loss of rights and freedoms for the majority of us.  And what do we get?  Oil spewing into the Gulf!

BP says they will “make it right” but that’s such BS.  They can’t turn back time.  There are volunteers spending uncountable hours repairing some of the damage from BP’s screw up who won’t even get a dime and whose efforts could have gone to helping other humans in this desperate economy. "German biologist Silvia Gaus argued that workers helping birds caught in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, should "kill, not clean." Gaus said studies show that more than 99 percent of rehabilitated birds will die anyway as a result of oil exposure, mainly due to kidney and liver damage caused by oil ingestion."  Even if they clean everything up, animals have died and will die.  I hope Gaus is wrong but I doubt that's the case.  Humans will have losses that can’t be compensated.  There WILL be ripple effects that can’t be “made right”.  Tony, I don’t believe you.  Darryl, I don’t believe you either!  That you even think you can “make this right” tells me you’re full of crap!

Almost 20 years after the spill, a team of scientists at the University of North Carolina found that the effects are lasting far longer than expected. The team estimates some shoreline Arctic habitats may take up to 30 years to recover. Exxon Mobil denies any concerns over this, stating that they anticipated a remaining fraction that they assert will not cause any long-term ecological impacts, according to the conclusions of 350 peer-reviewed studies. However, a study from scientists from the NOAA concluded that this contamination can produce chronic low-level exposure, discourage subsistence where the contamination is heavy, and decrease the "wilderness character" of the area.”  Very tactful way of saying the area will NEVER completely recover!

BP’s little boo boo has already spewed about 5 times the amount of the oil spilled in the Exxon Valdez spill and the amount will likely double before they can get a slant drilled pipe down to ATTEMPT to stop the well from continuing to spew.  AND WE SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED THIS!  As we sit here during hurricane season waiting for the storm that will lift the oil and spew it on US, I at least want those damned BP execs to take up residence in shacks along the coast so they can get a good coating of oil on their suits!

Hey, BP, tell us again how things will be getting back to normal by next year!

How the hell does a spill that big happen 20 years after the Exxon Valdez spill?  Because our government has been busy butting into our rights, too busy regulating piddly second hand smoke, still trying to butt into our bedrooms, now thieving our property (real and personal, including animals) through civil seizure to support their other abuses of us instead of regulating the BIG KIDS, that’s how!

The BIG kids never get the message, just go right back to SOPs because they are never actually punished never actually forced to even come close to making things right.  “Police in New England caught a group of wealthy bankers driving Ferraris, Lamborghinis at speeds of more than 100 mph as they raced between New York and Montreal.”  15 cars worth millions of dollars; all luxury rentals.  And amazingly little coverage of this BAD behavior by the Wall Street crowd.  We can certainly see how effective the punishments for them have been!

Isn’t there SOME mechanism for sending Tony Hayward to a Peruvian style prison?  There damned sure ought to be!

Worse than that is the fact that BAD behavior seems to be spreading rapidly.  5 US Army soldiers charged with murder, having killed 3 civilians with gunshots and GRENADES in Afghanistan.  I’m waiting for the “just following orders” excuse to surface.  I’m so sick of people making excuses for their BAD behavior!

Listen up SHEEPLE, we have to work together to support one another and protect rights.  The big boys depend on being able to divide and conquer us so they can go right on raking in the money out of OUR pockets and while destroying the earth we all need.  They are all bean counters.  If we don’t make it cost more to screw with us, they’ll just keep screwing with us and the planet.

Does that make 3 or 4 entries?  I’ve lost track.  I check the news to see the forest and some days all I see is the widespread rot.  I’m going to go cuddle some critters before I try to get back to writing about individual rotten trees instead of the global forest of rot.

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