Established Protocols Were Not Followed

"have determined established protocols were not followed" and so the wanna be Salahi couple attends a State Dinner.  I am NOT surprised!  "the Secret Service may pursue a criminal investigation of the Salahis"  Id.  What was I saying about shifting blame?  What's to investigate with the Salahis?  "Federal law makes it a crime to knowingly and willfully falsify statements on matters within the federal government's jurisdiction."  Id.  Well, yes of course but show some discretion! 

"As this moves closer to a criminal investigation there's less that we can say," Mackin said. "We're not leaving any option off the table at this point."  Id.  Yes, we know you want it to drop out of the media so you're going to investigate the Salahis and hide behind a wall of silence.  Come on!  You're embarrassed and well you should be.  Suck it up.  You'll survive the embarrassment and maybe even learn from it.

They showed up dressed appropriately, gave their names, and were allowed in even though they weren't on the guest list.  Yeah, they shouldn't have been there but it was YOUR job to stop them at the gate.  Spend your time and our money on cleaning up the Secret Services' act, not some BS investigation of the wanna be couple!!!  The less media attention they get, the better.

I gotta find a snarky term for "everybody lies so we made lying to feds illegal just so EVERYONE is subject to prosecution".  Any suggestions?

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