7 Years Between Rabies Vaccinations, Help Make It HAPPEN

Please pass this along to every pet owner and rescuer you know.

Most of us knew the Rabies vaccine worked for 3+ years long before the law caught up.  In fact, we "know" it actually works for much longer.  To get the laws changed so we can stop OD'ing our pets and putting them at repeated risk while not having to do battle with our vets (and possibly legal authorities) takes more.

If each pet owner in the US gave 10 cents for each pet, we could easily and fully fund the study that would almost inevitably get us a minimum of 5 years, maybe 7, maybe more, between Rabies vaccinations.  You know you'd save at least $5 in the first year that we get to "skip" the vaccine and every one of us can find a way to scrounge up $5 even in these tough economic times.  So I'm asking you to give a mere $5 to this research project:

Check out the main page for the research project and see how much of the work is being done by volunteers.  Your money will go to actually costs, NOT administrative overhead and nonsense.  In addition, another phase of this study will analyze the effects of adjuvants used in vaccines and that would benefit our pets AND US, especially our CHILDREN.  Please open another browser window and make your donation now by PayPal, Credit card, or check!

It could, probably will, take longer to get the laws changed but those of us not willing to OD our beloved pets on Rabies vaccines will have additional "proof" to fend off the vets and "animal control police" in the meantime from the data accumulated by this project.

Side effects of the rabies vaccine are allegedly rare but they can be serious or even deadly.  Included are seizures, loss of motor skills, tissue damage, fibrosarcoma, and auto immune diseases.

The downside?  They could prove the rabies vaccine doesn't last more than 3 years on average or show some range.  To me, at least then we'd know it really IS a necessary evil so I don't see any downside.

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